Accounting Department holds a scientific Symposium entitled «Accounting for social and environmental performance of business organizations reality and ambition» in cooperation with the president of Mosul University and the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Technologies


Sponsored by Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamaluddin Al-Ahmadi (President of Mosul University)Supervised by:Assistant Professor Dr. Waheed Mahmoud Ramo (Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics)And assistant professor Dr. Mazen Nizar Fadl Alsingri (Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Technology).Accounting Department held its scientific seminar tagged «Accounting for social and environmental performance of business organizations reality and ambition» on Thursday, 28/11/2019 and in the hall of the Scientific and Literary Forum. The symposium was opened with verses from the Holy Quran by Dr. Haitham Hashim,, a lecturer in the accounting department, Then followed by a valuable speech from the Dean [Read More]