Doctoral dissertation in business department addresses the median role of the enlightened marketing in reasoning the connection of attractive marketing dimensions for achieving a successful marketing – an empirical study on a sample of small business managers in Duhok city. Thursday, 30th June 2022


The board of business department in Administration and Economic College at Mosul University held viva of doctoral dissertation entitled “The median role of the enlightened marketing in reasoning the connection of attractive marketing dimensions for achieving successful marketing – an empirical study on a number on a sample of small business managers in Duhok city.The vice chancellor of the University Professor Dr. Muneer Salim Taha”, the dean of the faculty Professor Dr. Thaier Ahmed Sadown Al-Saman and the associate dean Dr. “Ahmed Hassian Al-Jarjaery” attended part of the viva.The study, which was presented by “Adel Rafia Adel”, aimed to stress the [Read More]