Master’s thesis in the Department of Economics discusses “The budget deficit and its implications in economic performance indicators (an analytical study in a number of developing countries heavily indebted abroad) for the period (1990-2020) Sunday 30 July 2023 …


The Department of Economics at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the master's thesis tagged "The budget deficit and its implications on economic performance indicators (an analytical study in a number of developing countries heavily indebted to foreign debt) for the period (1990-2020)" Part of it was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Thair Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman. The current study presented by the student "Sardar Muhammad Haidar" in the Department of Economics aimed to clarify the mechanism of the relationship between the budget deficit and macroeconomic performance indicators in developing countries complaining of high [Read More]