Higher Diploma Research in the Department of Business Administration discusses “Factors Affecting Trust in Digital Banking: A Survey of the Opinions of a Sample of Taif Islamic Bank Customers in Mosul” “Wednesday, December 20, 2023…
zaidalmahrooq2023-12-21T10:02:43+00:00The Department of Business Administration at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, discussed the research of the higher diploma tagged "Factors affecting trust in digital banking services: a survey of the opinions of a sample of customers of Al-Taif Islamic Bank in the city of Mosul". The current study... Submitted by the student "Yousef Issa Jassim" In the Business Administration section to: Identify and understand the key factors that affect customer trust in digital banking. This includes factors related to (security, perceived ability, perceived privacy, perceived integrity, and perceived well-being). The study reached the most important conclusions: that [Read More]