The International Center for Social Services held a dialogue meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.and in the presence of the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman, and a group of professors of the College of Administration and Economics


In the presence of the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman, and a group of professors of the College of Administration and Economics, the International Center for Social Services held a dialogue meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The "International Center for Social Services" held a dialogue meeting with the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Mosul and a group of faculty professors on (the economic identity of Nineveh), the meeting was attended by Mr. Ahmed Al-Kiki, member of the Nineveh Provincial Council, advisor to the Governor [Read More]