The President of the University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, grants a letter of thanks and appreciation to the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman


The President of the University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Qusai Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi, grants a letter of thanks and appreciation to the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Thaeir Ahmed Saadoon Al-Samman Based on the letter of thanks and appreciation issued by the University of Mosul No. 9/10/9614 on 17/3/2023 In appreciation and appreciation of the efforts made by you in performing your duties with dedication and sincerity through (your work in the meeting committee of the deans of faculties of administration and economics in Iraqi universities), we can only offer our thanks and high appreciation for those benevolent efforts, hoping [Read More]