A master’s thesis at the College of Archeology discussing (the implementation of the lion in Mesopotamia until the end of the Neo-Babylonian era (626-539) BC).


 On Thursday, June 8, 2023, in Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Sof’s Hall in the college, the Department of Archeology at the College of Archeology/ University of Mosul discussed the master’s thesis titled (Implementing the Lion in Mesopotamia until the end of the Neo-Babylonian era (626-539) BC). Part of it was attended by Professor Dr. Qusay Kamal al-Din al-Ahmadi, the president of the University of Mosul, and a number of college professors and students. The study presented by the researcher (Farah Abdullah Mahfouz) dealt with shedding light on the lion, which is considered one of the most prominent animals that have existed in [Read More]