A master’s thesis at the College of Archaeology discussing (Holidays and Celebrations in the Hittite Kingdom (1680 – 1207 BC))


On Thursday, August 3, 2023, the Department of Civilization at the College of Archaeology at the University of Mosul discussed at Dr. Behnam Abu Al-Soph’s Hall in the college, the master’s thesis entitled (Holidays and Celebrations in the Hittite Kingdom (1680 - 1207 BC)). Part of this thesis was attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Yasser Jaber/ Dean’s Asst. for the College of Archeology for Scientific Affairs and a number of college staff. The study presented by the researcher (Ali Rajab Hajji)/ the Department of Civilization dealt with an introduction to the geographical environment of Anatolia and the origin of the Hittites, [Read More]