Discussion of a master’s thesis in the College of Computer Science and Mathematics – Department of Mathematics Sciences – on Monday, 21/6/2021


Discussed in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Mosul, the master's thesis tagged:"Improving the method of homotopy analysis using the sine-cosine algorithm to solve nonlinear differential equations"For the student Mustafa Raed Najib Abdullah and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Omar Saber Qassem and the teacherDr. Ahmed Intisar Ghaith.In this thesis, different types of linear and non-linear differential equations are solved using the homotopy analysis methodWith the cosine algorithm.The discussion panel consisted of: Messrs.Prof. Dr. Burhan Fakhr El Din Gomaa - PresidentAssist. Prof. Dr.Maysoon Mal Allah Aziz - MemberAssist. Prof. Dr. Naglaa [Read More]