The Department of Pedodontics, Orthodontics, and Preventive Dentistry holds a workshop.


Under the supervision of the department head, Prof. Dr. Ali Rajeh Al-Khatib, the Department of Pedodontics, Orthodontics, and Preventive Dentistry held a two day workshop dated 14-15/2/2021, in Dr. Amer Taqah Hall, under the title:Mini-implant Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion: Theory and Application. The workshop was presented by Prof. Ali Rajeh Al-Khatib and Dr. Saeed Mohammed Azhar Al Sammak. The first day included theoretical lectures on the history and use of maxillary expanders and their clinical applications in the field of orthodontics and the definition of auxiliary maxillary expansion with small implants, while the second day included practical training on preparation and [Read More]