An online lecture hosted by the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Sherif Al Barbari – University of Bristol


Under the patronage of Mr. President of the University of Mosul Prof.Dr. Qusay Kamal Al-Din Al-Ahmadi and supervision of Mr. Dean of Dentistry Dr. Rayan Salem Hamed, and in pursue for continuous scientific collaboration with international universities and to best for both undergraduate and post-graduate students, The college of dentistry will be hosting Dr. Sherif Barbari / Specialist in Prosthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry / University of Bristol / Uk , in a webinar entitled: Dental Photography in Daily Practice C.V Sherif ElbarbaryBDS, MFDS, M Pros RCSEd, MJDF RCSEng, FHEA1- Sherif qualified from Cairo University in 20082-His passion in dentistry [Read More]