20 سبتمبر، 2018

تمت وبعون من الله مناقشة طالبة الماجستير ( سارة علي سليمان) قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية في كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية جامعة الموصل

With the help of God, the discussion of the Master's student (Sara Ali Sulaiman), the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences at the Faculty of Education for Human Sciences, University of Mosul, on its tagged formula (the creative personality and its relation to the self-control of mentors) and under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Younis Mahmoud. On Monday, 17/9/2018 at the Hall of Martyr Dr. Ibrahim Al-Qasab God's mercy and insulted the Committee of the discussion of the listed individuals as listed belowProf. Hishman Hassan Ali (Chairman)Prof. Hadi Saleh Ramadan (Member)Dr. Dr. Arafat Mohammed (Member)Dr. Ahmed Younis Mahmoud (Juhwa and supervisor)

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