Examining M.A. student


The viva of M.A. student (Masim Ahmed Khalaf) whose thesis is entitled (The Social Reflections of the Banking Norms in the Iraqi Society after the American Occupation in 2003: Field Study in the Governorate of Kirkuk)the examining committee consisted of:1. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hameed Kurdi Al-Falahi / Social Development / College of Arts / Al-Anbar University / President. 2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Harith Hazim Ayyoob / Social Development / College of Arts / Mosul University / Member.3. Asst. Prof. Basima Faris Al-Sarraj / Social Service / College of Arts / Mosul University / Member.4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Shafeeq Ibraheem Salih / [Read More]