Master’s thesis in the Department of Translation on the degree of severity in translating English expressive verbs in the novel Wuthering Heights into Arabic


The Department of Translation at the College of Arts held a viva for master’s thesis entitled “DEGREE OF STRENGTH IN TRANSLATING ENGLISH EXPRESSIVE VERBS IN “WUTHERING HEIGHTS” INTO ARABIC,” on (Thursday), December 30, 2021 in the hall of the College of Education, with the attendance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Afin, the dean of the college of Arts, his Scientific Associate, Prof. Dr. Harith Hazem Ayoub and his Administrative Associate, Asst. Prof Dr. Safwan Nazim Daoud along with a number of faculty and staff members.The thesis submitted by the student (Manar Talal Hamed) in the Department of Translation, deals [Read More]