A master’s thesis at the Department of History, on: Military Media of the Abbasid State 132-247 AH/ 749-861 AD)


A master’s thesis on Islamic History, entitled (Military Media of the Abbasid State 132-247 AH/749-861 AD) was discussed today, September 18th, 2023, at the Hall of the library of the Department of History, in the College of Arts/ University of Mosul, with the presence of a number of the faculty members and postgraduate students. The study, presented by Karam Mohammad Ahmad Al-Obaidi, at the History Department dealt with the military media of the Abbasid state, which extends from (132-247 AH / 749-861 AD). The importance of military media was highlighted and its roots in the previous eras of the Abbasid state, [Read More]