A PhD. thesis in the Department of History on ‘The Civilizational Data in the Book of Riyadh al-Nufus by Abu Bakr al-Maliki’, d. 464 AH. 1071 AD.)


The Department of History at the College of Arts, University of Mosul, discussed the PhD. thesis in Islamic history entitled ‘Civilizational Data in the Book of Riyad al-Nufus by Abu Bakr al-Maliki’, d. 464 AH. 1071 AD.) at Al-Salam Hall on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. The discussion was attended by the Dean of the College of Arts, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Al-Afin, Head of the Department of History, and a number of professors and students. The thesis was presented by Hadeel Abdul-Ghani Fathi, who received a PhD. degree with a very good grade. The discussion committee consisted of: Prof. Dr. [Read More]