Developmental workshops in the Department of Information and Knowledge Technologies as part of upskilling series for postgraduate students. On Monday, May 13, 2024, in the Al-Salam Hall in the College of Arts, the workshops were attended by a number of students.


The Information and Knowledge Technologies Department, in cooperation with the Graduate Studies Division in the College of Arts, conducted development workshops for graduate students. The first workshop entitled (Registering on the University of Mosul’s journal platforms to achieve local publishing: Problems and Solutions) lectured by Dr. Ammar Abdul Latif Zain Al-Abidin. The second workshop entitled “The method for writing scientific research and its concept (descriptive method, case study method, analytical method) lectured by Prof. Wassan Sami Saadallah. The third workshop entitled (Types of scientific methods (historical, experimental, comparative, inductive, deductive) between concept and application) Presented by A. Mr. Rafal Nizar Al-Khairo. [Read More]