The symbol in the poetry of Al-Akhtal Al-Taghlibi
admin_omar2023-04-14T22:22:25+00:00The Department of Arabic Language at the College of Education for Human Sciences at the University of Mosul discussed a master's thesis on:(The symbol in the poetry of Al-Akhtal Al-Taghlibi)On Thursday 15-12-2022, part of it was attended by Prof. Dr. Hazem Thanoun Ismail Al-Sabawi, Dean of the Faculty, and a number of faculty members.The thesis submitted by the student (Fatima Abdullah Attia Roumi) in the Department of Arabic LanguageThe symbol in the opening introductions, the color symbols in the objects and poetic paintings, and the symbols of the moving nature in the poetry of Al-Akhtal Al-Taghlibi.The study dealt with the statement [Read More]