University of Mosul : Discussion of master thesis on algorithmic design in digital architecture – employing digital algorithmic generation curricula in the conceptual design stage.


A master thesis in Department of Architecture / college of engineering at University of Mosul on (algorithmic design in digital architecture-employing digital algorithmic generation approaches in theconceptualdesign stage ) by the student(Aseel Ibrahim Khalil al-Habib) wasdiscussedon Thursday,August13,2020.The thesis included building a holistic theoretical conception of the digital algorithmic generative design approach as a new approach to thinking that can beusedin producing design alternatives for a specific architectural style or to design complex architectural formations.This perceptionwasadoptedin a practical study that includedtwo parts. In the first part, the discrepancy in the definition of provisions in the various generative algorithmic systems based on judgments [Read More]