Discussion of Master Thesis at College of Engineering – University of Mosul, entitled : Hybrid Artificial Smart Hand for the Handicapped


A Master Thesis discussed in Department ofComputer Engineering/College ofEngineering/University ofMosul ,entitled" Hybrid Artificial Smart Hand for the Handicapped " for the student (Mohammed Tariq Mohammed) on Wednesday 1-7-2020on thediscussions hall of MechatronicsEngineering department.Thethesisoffersan enhanced artificial arm study with a certain level of sensation.As thesensorysystemmimics the sensation of the missing upper limb when using the prosthesis.To achieve this concept, a temperature and pressure sensor is used to provide a better life experience for people with special needs.Together, the temperature and power sensor are in the form of an arm band attached to the intact part of the user's skin. The sensing system [Read More]