A press delegation from UNIDO visit College of Engineering


A press delegation affiliated withtheUnitedNationsIndustrial DevelopmentOrganization UNIDO visit the Deanship of College of Engineering and MechatronicsEngineering Departmenton Tuesday9/15/2020.This visit wasto see the achievementsand servicesthat havebeen donatedbyas part of there-rehabilitation Mechatronics engineering department.Thedelegation held press interviews with the Dean of College of Engineering and a number of MechatronicsDepartment’smembers and students, to learn about theimportanceofmechatronics,especially for the city of Mosul.It was also thereview ofdevicesand equipment that were donatedto Mechatronics EngineeringDepartment by the organization and funded by the State of Japan and itsimportancein providing job opportunities for young graduates and developing the skills of workers in the private sector, which enhances the stability of [Read More]