19 November، 2019

A Delegation from AMIDEAST, American Organization, Visits the Central Library

As part of the approach of the University of Mosul, headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, to the adoption of the policy of increasing the openness towards all active international and local institutions and organizations, a delegation from the American Organization of AMIDEAST (Iraq branch) visited the Central Library on Monday, 18 November 2019. The visitors were received by Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, who gave them a detailed explanation of the Library’s status and aspirations and the level of international and local cooperation established after the liberation from ISIS terrorist groups. He also briefed them of the importance of the role of media support in highlighting and introducing the international community to the status of the Library. After that, Mr. Sayf took them in a tour in the Library divisions and units, explaining the mechanism of the work there and showing them a video clip entitled (The Library’s Identity). At the end of the visit, the delegation expressed their admiration for what was accomplished in the library during a record period despite the big challenges, hoping to set mechanisms to continue communication and cooperation between the General Secretariat of the University Libraries and AMIDEAST in the fields of science, knowledge and experience-sharing.

