19 January، 2020

Continued Fruitful Cooperation between the Central Libraries of the Universities of Mosul and Al-Hamdaniyah

In accordance with the directives of Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, to allow for enhanced cooperation among the universities of Nineveh Governorate, and with direct follow-up from Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, the Central Library of the University of Mosul presented a variety of books, theses and periodicals to the Central Library of the University of Al-Hamdaniyah within the project for supporting the libraries of Nineveh Governorate. Dr. Kawkab Salim Muhammad, Secretary-General of the Central Library of the University of Al-Hamdaniyah, expressed her appreciation for this pioneering initiative, looking forward for more fruitful cooperation between the two university libraries, which is in the interest of our dear country

