5 February، 2020

College of Education for Pure Sciences Enriches the Library Shelves with a New Set of its Graduates’ Dissertations

In accordance with the directives of Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, that the colleges and centers of studies should provide the University libraries with their latest academic products, and under the supervision and follow-up from Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, the Acquisition Unit of the Technical Procedures Division in the Central Library received 16 Master’s and doctoral theses from the College of Education for Pure Sciences in various specialties to form a new scientific and qualitative addition to the University dissertations in the Library, and one of the most important reliable sources of scientific information to the University undergraduates and postgraduates to optimally complete their researches and studies. The Library’s technical staff has begun to index the received dissertations in preparation for classification and cataloging to be accessible to the users as soon as possible in accordance with the standard procedures adopted by university libraries.

