14 February، 2020

The Secretary General Visits the Library of Alexandria

In accordance with the directives of Mr. President of the University of Mosul, Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, to adopt a policy of opening up to the world and activate fruitful cooperation with all Arab and international institutions, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, visited the Library of Alexandria and met with Dr. Mohammed Suleiman, Head of the Cultural Communication Sector and representative from Dr. Mustafa Al-Faqih, Director of the Library of Alexandria, in his office. After a brief explanation provided by the Secretary General, Mr. Mohammad expressed the readiness of the Library of Alexandria to cooperate with the Central Library of the University of Mosul in all fields. He welcomed the Secretary General’s visit, commending the University of Mosul’s achievements at all levels. Mr. Sayf stressed the strengthening of cooperation, noting the University President’s vision on the importance of openness and international cooperation to enhance the role of the Central Library in the fields of electronic library and joint digital activities in coordination with the Computer Center and the University Presidency. During the visit and in coordination with Mr. Omar Mohammad, Official of Mosul Eye Foundation, Mr. Sayf met with Ms. Nevin Qinawi to start a dialogue on the activities that can be held in the Library in cooperation with the Library of Alexandria. Moreover, he has communicated with Dr. Amjad Al-Jawhari, who welcomed the opening of a cooperation channel between the two long-established libraries. The Secretary General appreciated the warm welcome presented by the brothers in the Arab Republic of Egypt. In addition, the University’s academics, who earlier participated in the digital education training course in coordination with the Francophonic University Agency and the French Embassy in Baghdad, visited the Library Alexandria and accompanied by a specialized staff and provided a brief explanation of the Library of Alexandria.

