22 March، 2020

Advice of Andalusian Physician (C8 AH / C14 AD) to Deal with Exotic Diseases and Global Epidemics

Within the concern of the University of Mosul, headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, to protect the health and safety of its staff and to harness efforts to serve the local and international communities, and with consistent follow-up from Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the Central Library’s website presents a preliminary reading of a manuscript of the book (A Detailed Description of Exotic Diseases to the Researchers) written by the famous Andalusian doctor, Ibn Khatimah Al-Ansary Al-Andalusy (C8 AH / C14 AD). He wrote this book after the plague outbreak in the most of the world, which started in China and extended to the Mediterranean Basin to reach Andalusia in 749 AH / 1347 AD and it was called the Black Plague by the Europeans.The book is divided into ten issues, each of which covers an aspect of the disease starting from being precise in naming the disease regarding its type and degree and which of them is correct to call it a pandemic. The other issue deals with religion that calls for the necessity of prevention, attention to hygiene and individual and societal health. It also discusses the causes of disease, ways to prevent it, measures to be taken at the time of its spread and medical proposals to find a viable treatment for it. At the end of the book, the author concludes his book with an exemplary medical advice that brings together science and faith to face and triumph over epidemics and so he says:”One should not neglect what God has bestowed on him with knowledge and work that guarantee the interests of life and the Hereafter. One should always be entrusted to God after he had done his best to be cautious and attentive.”There are two copies of this book numbered “255k” and “4505D” in the Public Library in Rabat, and the third is a photocopy numbered (F/2112) in the Escorial Library and it is found in Al-Ghaziry Catalog under the number (1785

