12 April، 2020

The Central Library Continues to Hold E-Meetings

Pursuant to the directives of Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, to maximize the benefits of digital platforms in the current circumstance to halt the spread of Coronavirus Pandemic and continue providing the best services to the local and international communities, the General Secretariat of the University Libraries, represented by Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, held its weekly e-meeting with the officials of the Library divisions, non-division units and Ibn Khaldun Library via the Google Meet program. The e-meeting discussed the latest developments related to the directives of the Ministry and the University Presidency, emphasizing that the lockdown is a period to challenge the Pandemic. Hence, the efforts of the library staff should befit the reputation of their Library established to be one of the main University pillars in providing the user with premium services, regardless of circumstances. The Pandemic outbreak will not stand in the way of achieving the Library’s great scientific and cultural mission. The work plans on the Library agenda were also discussed, and appreciation was expressed for the Library’s exceptional achievements, initiatives and activities during the current difficult times, at the external and internal levels.May God protect Iraq, its people, and humanity.

