28 April، 2020

NodeXL Sheds Light on the Central Library

As a result of the steady efforts of the University of Mosul, headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, to contribute to the community outreach and service and to communicate internationally, the NodeXL Graph Gallery Project of SocialMedia Research Foundation highlighted the activities of the Central Library and its Secretary General Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar on Twitter. The Foundation monitored the tweets that frequently used the words (library, libraries, pandemic, virus and corona). The pretty proud thing is that the Central Library and its General Secretary were within the well-known and long-established organizations and institutions mentioned in the famous monitoring, like UN, IFLA, NBN News and the American Library Association.The wide information and news dissemination in English related to the Central Library activities has finally come to fruitful conclusion and made quite an impression on those who follow the Library on Twitter.NodeXL Link:https://nodexlgraphgallery.org/Pages/Graph.aspx?graphID=225556
