28 April، 2020

Virtual Sources of the Library of Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies Made Accessible

Within the approach of cooperation adopted by the University of Mosul, headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, to provide the best online services to the Universiy, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Genera-Secretary of the University Libraries, has followed up coordination between the Central Library and the Library of the Italian Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies. The coordination efforts have resulted in allowing the researchers to access free various electronic sources of interest that were generously provided by the afore-mentioned university as a support to the Central Library of the University of Mosul.The electronic contents of the Italian Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies can be accessed via:-the Arabic page of the Central Library:http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/ar/libCentral/57054-the English page of the Central Library:http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/en/libCentral/57056

