3 May، 2020

The Central Library … a Memory Full of Love and Generosity

Two years ago, I read a poem by the great Argentinian poet Jorge Luis Borges in his book (The Mirror of Ink), which says that he imagines that Paradise will be a kind of library for him. So, I wrote a poem that matches Borges’s imagination, showing that I understand his feelings, since the Library has been my paradise and dream for fifty years.Until now, I miss those days of knowledge and discovery provided by the Central Library of the University of Mosul, where I was taking a corner to sit with my postgraduate students for helping them, supervising their studies and giving them scientific analyses.I felt as if something falling apart inside me, I felt as if I became motherless and I felt as if a fist of fire was holding my heart when the Central Library was destroyed, but the consolation came later when those who respect science and knowledge came to revive this civilized edifice.To me, the Library is a deep root, a clear fount, and an open, blooming and fascinating stream. I dream, and I believe that my dream will come true in the coming days, that I and the rest of those who find themselves in books will sail again in a river but rather in the sea of the Central Library of the University of Mosul and return our lost character and identity which cannot be removed or obliterated. Our Library is our safe haven, and the causeway to our spiritual and mental salvation. It is so close to my heart when it manifests and shines like a sky embracing the silver brightness of the stars.Prof. Dr. Najman YassinCollege of ArtsUniversity of Mosul#Library_in_a_Story#Central_Library

