6 May، 2020

Ramadan Memories in the Central Library

The surreal mix of place and time that creates a life close to that of the right city of Utopia, stirs my imagination every time I hear of the month of Ramadan or the Central Library without knowing which one reminds me of the other.Ramadan has a scented spiritual atmosphere that distinguishes it from the other months. The Central Library has a special scent that distinguishes it from other places. The intellectual and spiritual aspects of happiness, in its broad sense, have been integrated to lift me to the level of passion when I was spending long hours reading in the Reference hall of the Central Library before breakfast during the month of Ramadan during the evening shift, moving among the perfectly arranged shelves that reminded me of what I have read about the perfection of the Hanging Gardens, and reading the collections of different unique references, each of which has its own intellectual and spiritual taste, in history, literature and philosophy.I was moving in awe among its shelves, as if I were in a beautiful daydream that I hoped it would not end, but unfortunately, there were imposed things that limit our daily details, so the fasting, good and committed official of the hall Mr. Muhammad Jameel told us in a calm and decisive voice that time was over and the Library should be closed for that day and the users could return the next day to resume reading. So, I began to collet what I spread on the reading table for long hours, a reference here, a notebook there, wondering on which shelf I put my pen when I was surprised with this title or that writer.Well, it was okey as long as there were more blessed days in the Holy Month, and more references and sources in the hall that have not yet come into my Ramadan reading schedule for that year.So … it’s okayThere was still time and effort to go through that awesome experience again in a new Ramadan day in the Library.Dr. Ahmad MuyassarCentral LibraryUniversity of Mosul#Library_in_a_Story#Central_Library

