7 May، 2020

Nostalgia Hope

When I am near your ruins, I can barely stand as if everything in me is paralyzed, so I will sit down near that flower to see your ruined edifice.Oh, proud Library, it is a painful memory when Daesh got satisfied in committing the last atrocities against you.My soul is leaning against the wall of the old days to hear the sweet voice of nostalgia, to bring those days of my life that I took advantage of in the Central Library.In 2014, there was another birth, the birth of my heartbeat that grown up in eternal love for that gorgeous library.There is another awareness of other merits of love when your soul loves a place as if it were a person that you are craving for.I remember my first steps towards my work in the source of knowledge and information to smell the scents of the yellow old papers emitting from among the book racks and hallways.With concern and excitement I worked there, where I was taught by teachers and made close friends despite the short period.I learned to raise myself from the bottom of ignorance to the sky of knowledge.Every time I see the pictures of my friends and colleagues in the Library, I retrieve my memories of their conversation, work and beauty from time to time.I see the Library as a beehive of diligent and dedicated lecturers and personnel who overcome fatigue for the users’ benefit.I call the limited period of time, in which I worked there, my golden age.When I look at its ruins, I hope that our Library will wake up from the darkest nightmare we all suffered from and regain the luster of its days written in the memory of history that cannot be erased or forgotten.Haider Qasim YahyaSenior translatorFrench LanguageCollege of ArtsUniversity of Mos#Central_Library

