8 June، 2020

The Kite Runner … a Country’s History in a Fiction

The Kite Runner is one of the best historical fictions by the Afghan-American novelist Khaled Hosseini who honestly documented his people’s suffering in an awesome literary style that popularized the novel globally to be translated into many languages and became a number one New York Times bestseller for many years.The novel presents a bleak picture of the social, cultural and humanitarian aspects of the Afghan people during the fall of monarchy and the rise of Taliban regime and its expulsion by NATO.The novel tells a sad story of friendship that brought together Amir of the descent and wealthy family who belongs to the powerful Pashtun tribe and his friend Hassan who belongs to the outcast Hazara tribe according to the Afghanistan social class at that time. This friendship is a sublime human relationship that gives its parties an intimate communication and cooperation, but due to class distinction and wars, it faces major challenges that fluctuate between strength and weakness and loyalty and betrayal in a joyful and painful journey throughout the mysteries and fluctuations of the human nature and the impact of the surrounding circumstances on it. But nonetheless, the good people’s hope to achieve justice and peace makes a happy end of the story to promise that the light of hope is at the end of the dark life tunnel.Dr. Ahmad MuyassarCentral LibraryUniversity of Mosul#Share_your_Readings

