21 June، 2020

Stupid White Men … Old and Renewed American Issues

(Stupid White Men …and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation) is a book by American filmmaker Michael Moore. The Arabic version of this book was published by the Arab Scientific Publishers in Beirut in 2003. The book is highly critical of the U.S. government policies in general and the condescending view of America’s foreign policy that expresses the beneficial view of the American luxury class of capital and giant companies owners, not the intellectuals and citizens. It also criticizes the successive American administrations’ failure to deal with the American complicated interior matters like the unfair dealing with Afro-Americans who long struggled for equality. Some America’s presidents have been criticized in this book for the lack of interest in allocating sufficient funds to solve the problems facing education in America. Furthermore, the book touches on the American presidents’ lag to response to warning calls about the serious impacts of climate change and global warming on the future of the living beings on the globe.This book is a valuable reference for university students and researchers from all levels because the facts mentioned herein are supported by formal documents and statistical data.Dr. Akram Salem Al-HamoushiHistory DepartmentCollege of Basic EducationUniversity of Mosul#Share_your_Readings

