17 August، 2020

Discussion of Most Prominent Technical and Administrative Achievements During the Library’s Weekly Meeting

Pursuant to the directives of Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, President of the University of Mosul, considering the current circumstance of the emerging Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity for the challenges to presenting the best possible by all University members in line with the reputation of the University of Mosul through the continuation of electronic meetings and exchange of ideas and creative visions among the University officials and cadres on the one hand and communication and intellectual and scientific exchange with other local or international academic institutions on the other hand, and in implementation of these directives and visions, the library continues to hold its weekly meetings through the digital space using the Google Meet application, where Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries chaired a weekly meeting with the officials of the Library’s technical and administrative divisions to discuss the most prominent achievements, the most important of which are the completion of the electronic current briefing bulletin, the unified digital list of dissertations including all the internationally approved bibliographic information and adding new issues in various specialties to the unified list of periodicals. Also, during the meeting, emphasis was placed on activating and unifying the contexts and mechanisms of work of all University libraries with the General Secretariat by organizing periodic meetings held by the Secretary-General of University libraries with the subsidiary libraries of the colleges and centers at the university to achieve the maximum possible coordination and development in the institutional performance of the University libraries. The meeting then turned to the intellectual and technical initiatives presented by the Library’s Secretary-General and officials of the divisions to carry out the cultural and informational library mission to the fullest extent. In the same context, reference was made to the University Presidency’s directives that stress the importance of adhering to the health and prevention measures announced by the Crisis Cell by wearing masks and gloves and committing to physical distancing to ensure the health and safety of everyone.Covid-19 pandemic

