4 October، 2020

The Library’s First Virtual Workshop on the Corona Pandemic

Under the auspices of the University’s Rector Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, and under the supervision of the Secretary-General of the University Libraries, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the Continuing Education Division of the Central Library conducted its first virtual workshop (The Corona Pandemic in the Social Framework) on Sunday 10/4/2020. During the workshop, sociologist Mowaffak Weisi addressed the social denial of the Corona pandemic by politicians, clergymen, the rich, the poor and the middle class in many societies, including Mosul society, mentioning the motives and effects behind that denial and its negative role in spreading the virus, and in conclusion, he made recommendations on how to curb the spread of the virus in Mosul community. While Dr. Eman Abdulwahhab, lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Mosul, addressed the negative role of social norms and traditions like social communication, shaking hands and kissing, values of fearlessness, condolence gatherings, stigmatizing and bullying the Corona patients and visiting graves that increased and circulated the Corona viruses in Mosul, and lastly, she concluded her speech with a set of recommendations that curb the spread of the Coronavirus in the society by spreading health awareness by all means and fining those who do not adhere to the conditions of safety and health. It worth mentioning that the workshop was presented by Mis. Zeena Tariq and electronically managed by Dr. Ghada Abdulkarim.

