13 January، 2021

The Central Library’s First Online Three-Day Training Course for 2021

Under the auspices of the University of Mosul’s Rector, and under the supervision of the Secretary-General of the University Libraries, the Continuing Education Division conducted the first virtual three-day training course entitled (Translation Principles) on Google Meet Platform from 11-13/01/2021. Asst. Lect. Mafaz Khalil and Mr. Jalal Hikmat delivered a full explanation of the topics of the course which was of two axis: the first one was on the principles, introduction, history and modes of translation, accompanied with examples, whereas the second axis focused on simultaneous, consecutive, whisper, over-the phone, video and on-demand phone or video interpretation, accompanied with examples. On the third day, an information test was set for the course participants who were granted certificates of participation and certificates of passing the test. It is worth mentioning that one of the reasons for the success of this course was the commendable efforts made by Dr. Ghada Abdulkarim and Ms. Zina Tarek

