24 May، 2021

Two New Books Published by Wa’Ashraqat Arrive at the Central Library

In line with the vision of the University of Mosul to maintain communication with academic and cultural institutions, and with a follow-up from the General Secretariat of the University Libraries, the Wa’Ashraqat Publishing House provided the Central Library with two books of its publications: (Shaikh Mustafa Aldharir Almosulli’s Explanation of His System of Fundamentalism) edited and reviewed by Dr. Muthanna Aref Aljarrah, Professor of Islamic Fiqh and Fundamentals, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Mosul, and (Explanation of the Great Fiqh of the Great Imam Abu Hanifa Alnu’man) written by Abilmuntaha Ahmad bin Muhammad Almughnisawi and edited and reviewed by Dr. Ghazwan Salih Hasan, Professor of Islamic Belief, College of Islamic Sciences, University of Mosul. The Central Library appreciates Wa’Ashraqat’s constant contribution to reviving the University’s libraries.

