27 December، 2022

IVSL Workshop at Environment Sciences and Technologies College

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Kossay Alahmady, President of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision of the Secretary General of the University Libraries, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, and within the activities of the Continuing Education Division, the Central Library held an IVSL workshop at the College of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, University of Mosul. The workshop was delivered by Mr. Jalal Hikmat, Head of the Unit of the Iraq Virtual Science Library (IVSL) at the Central Library in cooperation with the College’s IVSL Link Member, Lect. Noor Abdulghani, and was attended by a number of lecturers and postgraduates. The attendants were briefed on the importance of the IVSL to them and they were given a glimpse of the establishment of the IVSL and how to register and search in it. During the workshop, questions and inquiries from the attendants were answered by Mr. Jalal.

