1 October، 2023

Selecting the Secretary General of the University Libraries as an Influential Figure

Reflecting the directives of the President of the University of Mosul Prof. Dr. Kossay Alahmady to make the best efforts to highlight the scientific and cultural role of the University of Mosul in international forum, and as part of the UNITAR activities on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of its founding in 1963, the Secretary General of the University of Mosul Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar was selected as one of the positively influential figures in society around the world by the UNITAR Geneva for his participation in the UNITAR training programs and due to his efforts to encourage members of society to advance scientifically and culturally. The Secretary General of the University Libraries thanked UNITAR for selecting him as one of the positively influential figures in society around the world, appreciating the constant and continuous support of Rector Alahmady to ensure provision of best services to society, and stressing the important role of the UNITAR Geneva and Hiroshima to provide additional skills by training changemakers and empowering them to achieving a better future for societies around the world.

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