20 February، 2024

Workshop on Importance of Periodicals in Academic Libraries

In line with the persistent endeavors of the Alahmady-presided University of Mosul to organize courses and workshops that contribute to raising the scientific level of the University of Mosul members, and under the supervision and presence of the Secretary General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the official of the Division of Continuing Education Ms. Saba Ma’ad organized a workshop on the theme “The Importance of Periodicals in Academic Libraries” presented by the official of the User Services Division Ms. Rafal Khaled on Monday, February 19, 2024. Seizing the opportunity of holding the workshop, the Secretary General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar recalled the great occasion of reopening of the Central Library after the reconstruction to be the National Day of Iraqi Librarians, viewing a footage prepared for this occasion that brought joy back to the hearts of Central Library lovers. And later on the workshop participants will be rewarded certificates of attendance.
