18 March، 2024

Continuation of Central Library’s Vehicle’s Logistical Services

As directed by the President of the University of Mosul Prof. Dr. Kossay Alahmady to maintain cooperation and collaboration among the facilities of the University of Mosul, and under the supervision and follow-up of the Secretary General of the University Libraries, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, and the official and staff members of the Central Library’s Administrative Affairs Division, the transfer of the dissertations and theses from the Department of Graduate Studies to the Central Library continues using a vehicle donated by the Dutch Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development to serve the Central Library as it is a scientific, cultural platform. It was used over a period of several years to transport a lot of equipment and books between the Central Library and Ibn Khaldun Library in the Second University Campus, in addition to other services at the University of Mosul according to the instructions set by the University Presidency to provide logistical services within the University of Mosul Campus.

