19 March، 2020

. Secretary-General of the Library Participates in the International Digital Meeting on Novel Coronavirus

Within the approach set by Rector Kossay Al-Ahmady, that the University of Mosul should open up to the digital communication with all active institutions in all fields, Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, Secretary-General of the University Libraries, and a number of administrators, academics and medical professionals worldwide participated in the digital meeting (COVID-19 – Diagnosis and Treatment) organized by the Chinese company (Lifotronic), the scientific office (Sanaria) and relevant parties, and broadcasted directly from China via ZOOM program. The meeting has raised this international issue because of the seriousness of this pandemic to individuals and societies. The meeting has mentioned the international current methods for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, medical devices used in this field and the difficult health situations that countries are experiencing. At the end of the meeting, it was stressed on enhancing international cooperation and emphasizing full compliance with the formal health instructions by all sectors, institutions and individuals to ensure public safety. The meeting has expressed full support for the efforts made to combat the pandemic, hoping that this crisis will end as soon as possible

