20 March، 2020

The Library Joins Local and International Communities in Celebrating their Festivals as an Incentive to Curb the Virus

In implementing the directives of Rector Kossay Al-Ahmady, that the University of Mosul should take the lead in spreading the spirit of hope and perseverance among the Iraqi institutions and society to be armed with science, knowledge and principles of humanity despite all difficulties, the General Secretary Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar and the staff of the University libraries celebrate the International Happiness Day on Friday, March 20, as well as the International Mother’s Day and Nowruz (the Spring Celebrations) on March 21, as days of inspiration for humanity in memorizing the vital role of the supreme human values to spread the positive spirit among humans all over the world to combat COVID 19 Pandemic, as declared by WHO, and find the suitable vaccine to get rid of this malicious virus that threatens the existence of mankind. The Library’s General Secretariat is calling for solidarity, mutual support, and the spread of hope in conjunction with full compliance with the directives of medical professionals for the safety of all.May God protect Iraq and Iraqis and all mankind from all dangers and epidemics to enjoy happiness and success.

