10 April، 2020

Al Hayy Al Latini (Latin Quarter) Novel … a Model for Ego Dialogue with the Other

It is one of the famous novels of the well-known Lebanese novelist Suhail Idris, which was translated into many languages. Its 25th edition was published by Dar Al-Adab (Beirut: 2002). It is one of the best hundred Arabic novels known as (civilized novels). It depicts the relationship between the ego and the other, or the civilizational encounter between the East with its customs, traditions and spiritual data, and the West with its material and technological data. This relationship that oscillates between the positivity based on dialogue, communication and integration, and the negativity based on hatred and conflict. Through narration and dialogue between its main and secondary characters, the 288 pages of the novel discuss the details and data of that civilizational relationship in a place of residence called the Latin Quarter in Paris, which houses the students coming from different parts of the world to study in France.It is a novel full of factual thoughts, dialogues with the ego and the other and a combination of national and international human feelings.Muhammad Yunus Al-TayyubThird Year StudentDepartment of EnglishCollege of Basic Education#Share_your_Readings

