7 June، 2020

Abstracts of Theses, Researches and Journals of Al-Hussein Bin Talal Library of Yarmouk University Can Be Accessed via Links of the Central Library Web Page

Within the efforts of the University of Mosul, headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, to serve the public interest by establishing cooperation with the local and international scientific and cultural institutions, and under the supervision and follow-up from the Secretary-General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the Central Library has reached an agreement with Al-Hussein Bin Talal Library of Yarmouk University to make a link to it’s digital content of the abstracts of theses, researches and journals on the Library web page to be of help to the University researchers and students in their research and studies, as they are desperately in need of information at this difficult time in which the curfew and lockdown were imposed due to the Corona pandemic. It is undeniable that digital academic and cultural cooperation is one of the most important means that serves the international community and lessens the danger of the current pandemic.To access the virtual contents of Al- Hussein Bin Talal Library of Yarmouk University of Jordan, click on the following Arabic or English link of the Central Library:Http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/ar/libCentral/57055Http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/en/libCentral/57057

