2 June، 2019

Cooperation and Coordination with Kufa University

To activate the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the cooperation and coordination among the Iraqi universities and to serve the scientific and cognitive movement in our country, the University of Kufa, College of Arts presented a collection of academic books and periodicals to the Central Library on Thursday, May 30, 2019. This gift is a part of the (Love, Peace and Cooperation Campaign) led by Kufa University to help revive the Central Library and in response to the campaign organized by (the Team of Love and Peace) led by Professor Layla Yonis Al-Mawla, Department of Philosophy, College of Arts, Mosul University, who organized visiting different Iraqi universities including the University of Kufa and holding cultural, artistic and athletic activities to maintain the scientific and cultural communication and to affirm the principles of peaceful coexistence among the components of Iraqi society, specially the teachers, employees, students and researchers in the Iraqi universities. Dr. Alaa Hussein Al-Ruhaimi, Dean of College of Arts and Dr. Abbas Adel Al-Haidari, Head of Civil Society Department in the same college at Kufa University, had a great role in organizing this initiative in cooperation and coordination with Professor Layla who volunteered to deliver the collection to the Central Library. It is worth mentioning that some of the teaching staff at the University of Kufa donated some of their personal academic works as gifts for our library, especially Dr. Jameel Helail Al-Moalla’s two personal writings. Thanks for any effort to help rehabilitate our library and serve its users.

