28 July، 2020

The Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences Accessible on the Web Page of the Central Library

In an effort by the Presidency of the University of Mosul to strengthen collaboration with Arab and international universities, and with follow-up from the Secretary-General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar, the Central Library has reached an agreement with the Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences (Yarmouk University’s quarterly issued international peer-reviewed research journal) on academic cooperation to provide the link of its issues on the web page of the Central Library for the students and researchers at the University of Mosul. The Central Library’s action to build bridges of cooperation with Iraqi, Arab and international discreet periodicals is to guarantee information flow for the Library users under the circumstances of lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 pandemic.The Journal’s issues can be reviewed on the Arabic and English URLs below:http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/ar/libCentral/57055http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/en/libCentral/57057
