7 September، 2020

Central Library Current Awareness Bulletin 2020 for foreign publication in E-form

In a relentless pursuit by the University of Mosul headed by Prof. Dr. Kossay Al-Ahmady, of keeping abreast with digitization technology being the international best alternative to ensure the durability of education under the circumstances of lockdown caused by the Corona pandemic, the Secretary-General of the University Libraries Mr. Sayf Al-Ashqar supervised the release of the electronic current awareness bulletin which is one of the most important of the information services presented by central library for the foreign publications, prepared by Dr. Gahda Abdulkareem, Mrs. Shatha Ahmed & Mrs.Zeena Salaheddin, from the technical procedures division in the Central Library. Noticeably this bulletin is ordered according to the Dewey classification order and containing as appendix three indices: title index, author index & subject index which are ordered in alphabetic order. To consecutively provide students and researchers with recent publications that recently arrivedVia English page of Central Library:http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/en/libCentral/44567
