14 September، 2020

Environmental Center for Arab Towns (ECAT) Approves to Make its Links Available on the Web Page of the Central Library

In accordance with the approach of the University of Mosul to take advantage of virtual knowledge being the best alternative during the Corona pandemic to open up to the world and cooperate with global and local scientific and cultural institutions and centers to increase environmental awareness among Iraqis, and to maintain constructive communication and contribute to spreading green culture and sustainable development for the benefit of the University researchers and Iraqis in general, the General Secretariat of the University Libraries has obtained the approval of the Environmental Center for Arab Towns (ECAT) to make its links available on the web page of the Central Library, given that the Center is affiliated with the Arab Towns Organization (ATO) and is under the auspices of Dubai Municipality. The center was established to improve the quality of life in the Arab member cities, including Dubai, by promoting capacity building, training, consultations, documentation and exchange of experiences and knowledge to spread environmental culture and sustainable development through the publication of many intellectual products aimed at attracting best practices and applying them through knowledge efforts and awareness magazines for different age groups, such as Envirocities E-Magazine, BE2ATI Magazine for children and Green Window Magazine. The Center is the national coordinator of the United Arab Emirates and some global environmental programs, including the Sustainability Ambassadors Program, Environmental Schools, the Arab Towns Portal and the Arab Experts Portal. Moreover, the Center translates and publishes the best environmental global development practices and organizes virtual training programs to build Arab capabilities. Accordingly, the availability of the Center’s electronic links on the Library website is a distinctive addition that will enable students, researchers and those interested in the environment and sustainable development at the University and the city of Mosul to benefit from the various services provided by the Center throughout the year.For more information, please visit the following Arabic and English links of the Center:http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/en/libCentral/57055http://uomosul.edu.iq/pages/en/libCentral/57057

